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Talky Talk Show Poster
Talky Talk Show

Well, my latest adventure has been into video production. I have always wanted to work on a television or movie set since I first started watching Nickelodeon in the late 80s on cable tv so when my youngest daughters wanted a YouTube Channel you’d think I would have jumped at the chance to start making videos, but actually I told them no due to the content they proposed. They were persistent so I told them the content requirements were 1. Originality, 2. Good content, and 3. It must be parent supervised. We brainstormed and the Talky Talk Show was born. After doing a few episodes, they really liked it and friends and family encouraged them to keep going with it.

The Talky Talk Show is a show hosted by Helaina and Fia. It’s a talk show for kids and while it’s 1/2 show and 1/2 bloopers, we aim to leave you with more than you started watching with. For your time spent watching, we hope that you will have learned something new or at least would like to share the episodes with people who could learn from watching. The Talky Talk show has focused on more Socio-Emotional topics than challenges and the fast internet trends that pop up. Those are fun and you can certainly see Helaina and Fia do those on their Tik Tok account but the Talky Talk Show aims to educate. It’s a show that combines my love for arts, media and education. We hope the show will help others see the beauty, fun, and enjoyment in life and learning. We’ve got our own IMDb listing too!

We now have a small in house studio called Bear and Bee Productions. We started Bear and Bee Productions in 2020 as a family because we wish to produce good family content. They get their YouTube channel and I get to work on a set! I write the scripts, Helaina and Fia edit it to their liking. I direct, produce the graphics, video edit, create or find the music, etc. I feel like Oz behind the curtain but it’s a fun challenge.