Beauty Within The Rubble

Sometimes life is not as it seems. Life can be ugly depending on what we focus on. We can look at all that is lacking in life and focus on all that is lost like the abandoned buildings that once were a thriving place but now are taken over by overgrown plants and rubble. We clearly see the brick and mortar buildings that are cracking and of course that lovely fence up to “hide” the ugliness of it all. The glaring “Keep Out!” sign forewarns us of dangers entering in. It can look pretty depressing but it depends on what we choose to see. We can choose to see what’s right in front of us or something different…

Abandoned Building in Solvang

Within the rubble there is beauty emerging. We will only see it when we take a closer look. Life still thrives in the empty places. It may be a different life that has come forth but it is life no less.

It’s purely a matter of what we choose to focus on. All is not lost when we look beyond what is easily seen. It’s all in perspective and the ability to see beyond all that is set in front of us. Sometimes, life isn’t as it seems.