Be Kind.

Be Kind Sidewalk Chalk

One day we were walking home and we saw this nice piece of sidewalk art. It has a good genuine message, simple “BE KIND” in all caps can indicate yelling or heading text so they must have really meant it then! I wondered what experience did this artist have to produce this temporary public art piece. Be kind, we see it on shirts, posters, notebooks, etc. The message of kindness matters is everywhere, yet the world struggles with this. 

It’s a simple action but temptation that has us act in unkind ways bubbles up and overtakes us. Meeting unkind people with kindness isn’t weak. Kind people are not dumb. They see the unruly actions of others but are strong enough not to let their actions infect them. It’s a flex. Kindness is a flex. It’s so easy to be self-consumed and rude under the vile of being busy. No one is too busy to be kind. No one is so important that they are entitled to be rude. Yeah, it takes strength to be kind in the face of a jerk. That’s the real flex. Kind people are some of the strongest in the world.